?e interaction between human head model and electromagnetic ??eld sources is studied. ?e head models are composed of one\r\nand six layers. ?e six layers are skin, fat, bone, dura (the outer membrane of brain and spinal cord), CSF (colony stimulating factor),\r\nand brain. An antenna as a source of exposure is simulated too. ?e E-??eld strength distribution in both one- and six-layer human\r\nmodels is shown to estimate the intensity of E-??eld penetration in human head. Like standard models, the antenna is situated near\r\nthe head model at a distance of 5 mm. ?e local and average SARs (speci??c absorption rates) are simulated at ??00 MHz in both\r\nhuman head models. ?e results are then compared between the two models. ?e HFSS so?ware is used for all the simulations. ?e\r\npaper wants to show that the initial model (one layer) is not a good model, because the real human head tissue is not equivalently\r\nmodeled. It seems that the values of one-layer model are not reliable, so the paper considers the better and more similar human\r\nhead model and compares these two models.